Sunday, June 30, 2013

Fruits Basket: Manga vs Anime

Fruits Basket Review

First off, I want to say this Manga was my gateway drug; at least in middle school up to adulthood. I was born into the wonderful world of Sailor Moon and my Gameboy Color with Pokemon Gold. I snuck downstairs and watched Toonami and adult swim as a kid. I honestly cannot remember a time where I wasn’t surrounded by anime or gaming. BUT, this Manga really set my inspiration aflame for actually creating my own graphic novels. 

When I finished the manga, I was so excited to start the anime and relive the experience once again!
The story is about a young girl, Tohru Honda, who is an orphan in high school. With a huge complex about putting everyone else before herself, she lived in a tent in the woods so that she wouldn’t be a burden to her friends. She meets three members of the Sohma family, Yuki, Shigure, and Kyo, who urge her to live with them in exchange for cleaning around the house. As the story goes on, Tohru discovers that the Sohma family has a huge secret: any time they are hugged by the opposite sex, they transform into their Zodiac animals. Written by Natsuki Takaya, she has a timeless sense of humor as well as compelling writing that can appeal to people who are going through multiple situations in life, whether you’re an outcast from your whole family, a yankee, a gothic, or the popular person who is the loneliest of them all.

Although the Manga is 23 volumes, which was super expensive back in the day, it’s very enjoyable to read. Sadly, the Anime is only about 25 episodes which is my preferred length of an anime since so many like to drag it out another 4,000 episodes with a bunch of filler seasons, BUT the Anime only covered about 7 of the books. :/ I’m not sure if Funimation didn’t have enough funding for the next season, or if it was a conflict with keeping the voice actors. It was highly disappointing for me just because my favorite parts of the story are books 13 and up.  MY FAVORITE CHARACTER ISN'T EVEN IN THE ANIME!! DX And they don't cover all of the Sohma family members who have the Zodiac curse.  :(

But anyways, If you have never read the manga, the anime ends rather well. I give it a 3 out of 5 for the little they did with it! It’s definitely a fun, cute anime that you can enjoy watching with friends. ^_^

I would recommend watching the anime first and then going back and reading the books for the rest of the story!

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